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Virtual Reality - Introduction

Virtual reality can be defined as "Inducing targeted behaviour in an organism by using artificial sensory simulation, while the organism has little or no awareness of the interference".

Key elements in Virtual reality

Virtual world :
   -  An imaginary space obtained through a medium 
   - Collection of objects in a space and rules associated with those objects

Immersion :
   - Sensation of being in the virtual world
   - It can be a mental state or can be obtained through physical means

Sensory feedback
  - It is the visual sense that receives feedback based on user;s position.
  - These feedback requires high speed computer as a medium.

  - It is the user's ability to interact with virtual world by changing position, picking up objects and setting them down, and so on.

Evolution of Virtual Reality

  • Edwin Link in (1929) - Flight Simulator
  • Morton Heilig (1956) - Multimodal display system (HMD)
  • Ivan Sutherland (1963) - Interactive computer graphics with Sketchpad application
  • Ivan Sutherland (1965) - Ultimate display interaction of user with other object avoiding  laws of physical reality.
  • Sutherland and Evans (1973) - Image generation  system (Novoview) for flight simulation.
  • Myron Krueger (1976) - Artificial reality environment (Videoplace)
  • Electronic visualization lab, University of Illinois (1977) - Sayre Glove
  • Eric Howlett (1979) - large expanse enhanced perpective (LEEP) system - wide FOV from a small display
  • Frederick P. Brooks Jr. (1986) - VR system adding HMDs, Optical Trackers, graphics engine
  • Electronic visualization lab, University of Illinois (1992) - projection based visualization system CAVE.
Virtual reality (VR) system 

VR system consists of organism i.e. human user, hardware component such as computers, headsets and controllers and physical world.

Hardware components produces stimuli that overrides sense of the user by tracking motions of the user.

Head tracking, controller movements, eye movements, movements of other body parts are important.

The user will always have other sense that respond to stimuli from the real world.

VR hardware might also track objects other than user, if interaction with them is part of the VR experience.

How it works ??

Brain control its configuration, while the sense organ converts natural simulation from the environment into neural impulses that are sent to the brain.

Virtual world generator (VWG) runs on a computer and produces another world.

The user perceives the virtual world through each targeted sense organ using a display, which e,its energy that is specifically designed to mimic the type of stimulus that world appear without VR.

The process of rendering information from the VWG into output for the display is called Rendering.

The display might be a smartphone screen, screen of a video projector or speaker.  

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