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TabPy Tutorial | TabPy Tableau | How To Install TabPy | Tableau Training |


  • What is Tabpy ?
  • Why Tabpy ?
  • Tabpy Installation
  • Clustering with Tabpy

What is Tabpy ?

TabPy (the Tableau Python Server) is an Analytics Extension implantation which expands Tableau's capabilities by allowing users to execute Python scripts and saved functions via Tableau's table calculations.

Benefits of TabPy :

Integrate Machine Leaning Algorithms

More Functionalities

Easily Maintained , Shared & Reused Models

Enhanced Developer & User Experience

Why TabPy : Use Case

Let's say I'm trying to identify criminal hotspots in city X using the City Police department showing  calls reporting for various type of criminal activities in the past few years.

With this data . it is hard to identify patterns!

Density-based spatial of clustering of applications with noise or DBSCAN is a well - suited algorithm for this job.

TabPy Installation :

Steps to Install TabPy

  • Install and update pip with the command python  -m pip install  - upgrade pip
  • Install TabPy package with the command pip install tabpy
  • Start TabPy on default setting with the command tabpy
  • By default, your service runs on port.


Clustering With TabPy

Objective : To use an Air BnB dataset and cluster each zipcode based on their housing characteristics using several popular clustering algorithms with TabPy.

Perform the following functions :

  • Import required Python libraries
  • Scaling features with Standard Scaler
  • Combine Scaled Features and handling null values
  • Condition to check which algorithm to use
  • Return clustering results as a list

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