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The need of Artificial Intelligence to businesses

It is beneficial for the companies to look at AI as a business capability rather than technology. Broadly speaking, AI can support three important business needs: automation of business processes, gaining business insights through data analysis, and engaging with customers & employees. Using AI Technology, businesses can gain the ability to:


 AI in Retail:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a key element in the digitalization of in-store retail by personalizing the customer experience and creating a more engaged business-to-consumer interaction. For retail companies, AI creates an opportunity to bridge the gap between virtual and physical sales channels.

AI in Manufacturing:

Artificial intelligence is a core element of the Industry 4.0 revolution and is not limited to use cases from the production floor. AI algorithms can also be used to optimize manufacturing supply chains, helping companies anticipate market changes. 

AI in Healthcare:

Artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare is the use of complex algorithms and software to emulate human cognition in the analysis, interpretation, and comprehension of complicated medical and healthcare data. Specifically, AI is the ability of computer algorithms to approximate conclusions without direct human input.

AI in Travel:

AI has permeated almost every aspect of the travel industry. You encounter AI in travel when you search for the best hotel deals, book flights and plan your perfect trip itinerary. Now, thanks to developing technology like artificial intelligence and machine learning, arranging excursions is becoming even easier. 

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