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What is CloudOps | Cloud Operations | CloudOps vs DevOps | DevOps Training | Ntirawen

What is CloudOps ?

Cloud Operations (CloudOps) is the practice of managing performance and availability of cloud services to have maximum ROI such as maintaining the services, security & compliance, optimize operational cost, and other benefits of cloud computing.

CloudOps was a key partner collaborator in helping us define and accelerate our cloud native journey. Element AI differentiates itself in how it can deploy AI-powered solutions to its enterprise customers; either via on-premises, hybrid-cloud models, or PaaS. CloudOps helped facilitate these cloud-agnostic capabilities.”

– Gabriel Duford, Senior Vice President of Platform & Technology and Co-Founder at Element AI

Why CloudOps ?

  • Managing under and over-utilized resources
  • Migration of data and application
  • Maintaining business continuity
  • Security risk management 
  • Maintain Compliance and configuration

DevOps vs. CloudOps

Successful cloud migrations require a detailed understanding of the current capabilities of cloud resources rather than trying to adapt existing operational approaches to fit into the cloud platform. Consequently, CloudOps requires an organizational-wide change of thinking. Deviating from standard operations can be a challenging adjustment, but the temporary discomfort is worth the benefits, which include:

Scalability: Cloud technology allows you to increase or reduce capacity at any time, without investing in additional space or hardware. Capacity planning and asset management will become virtualized. 

Automation: Cloud resources automate many operations across the SDLC, which leads to self-healing systems and reduces disruptions to applications or users. 

Accessibility: A lack of onsite servers allows teams to manage servers and operations from almost anywhere.

Shared resources: Cloud-computing allows applications that share common services to co-exist without being interconnected.  

Backup management: Since data isn't centrally located or physically stored onsite, disaster recovery processes are automatically in place with cloud technology.  

Metered costs: Cloud resources track usage, making it easier to allocate expenses accordingly. 

Continuous operations: Cloud-based systems allow for continuous operations since software can be updated and deployed without disruption to service if the proper mechanisms are in place

How does CloudOps Work ?

Monitoring : Collect metrics, analyze trends, set alert thresholds and watch for outlier activity with alerts.

Logging : Analyze logs for services generating outlier signals, to troubleshoot apps.

Trace : Analyze how latencies are distributed across microservices  in transaction.

Profiler + Debugger : profile performance and debug to accelerate troubleshooting.


CloudOps Benefits :

Efficiency :- Cloud-based platforms are efficient as they can be used from anywhere.

Scalability :- With CloudOps, you get expandable storage and processing power.

Disaster Recovery :- Cloud assures that the data is always available, even if PCs are damaged.

CloudOps Challenges 

Hardware ⇾ Cloud-based platforms also require a physical server to operate.

Expertise  ⇾ It's challenging to get the needed support from the limited pool of experts.

Compliance ⇾ Organizations often face compliance issues while migrating to CloudOps.

CloudOps Best Practices 

  • Provisining
  • Setting Limits
  • Automation
  • Self-Healing

CloudOps use case 

Problem Statement : Hospitality digital provides digitalization services to the hospitality sector. Its international team of experts implement a variety of digital solution and innovations for hotels, restaurants, caterers, and trader businesses.

Hospitally digital maintains serveral interconnected but independently developed and managed applications that complement each other to digitize the hospitality industry. It needed a cloud infrastructure that could scale alongside its growing operations and respond efficiently to fluctuations in demand.

Hospitality digital additionally wanted to automate as much of its infrastructure and application platform as possible in order to allow the technical team to trust the health of the platform being used and focus on application development.

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