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Hyperledger Fabric Details in Block Chain

Ordering Service

The ordering service package transactions into blocks to be delivered to peers.
Communication with the service is via channels.

Different configuration options for the ordering service include :
  • Single node for development
- Kafka : Crash fault tolerant consensus
  • 3 nodes minimum
  • Odd number of nodes recommended

Channels provide privacy between different ledgers

- Ledgers exist in the scope of a channel
  • Channels can be shared across an entire network of peers
  • Channels can be permissioned for a specific set of participants
- Chaincode is installed on peers to access the worldstate
- Chaincode is instantiated on specific channels
- Peers can participate in multiple channels
- Concurrent execution for performance and scalability

Single Channel Network

  • All peers connect to the same system channel (blue).
  • All peers have the same chaincode and maintain the same ledger 
  • Endorsement by peers E0,E1,E2 and E3
Key :

Multi-Channel Network

  • Peers E0 and E3 connect to the red channel for chaincodes Y and Z
  • Peers E1 and E2 connect to the blue channel for chaincodes A and B
Key :

Fabric Peer

- Each peer :
  • Connects to one or more channels
  • Maintain one or more ledger for each channel
  • Chaincodes are instantiated in separate docker containers
  • Chaincodes are shared across channels (no state is stored in chaincode container)
  • Local MSP (Membership Service Provider) provides crypto material
  • Emits events to the client application
Client Apllication

Each client application uses Fabric SDK to :
  • Connects over channels to one or more peers
  • Connects over channels to one or more orderer nodes
  • Receivers events from peers
  • Local MSP provides client crypto material
  • Client can be written in different languages (Node.js, Go, Java, Python?)
Fabric Certificate Authority
  • Default (optional) Certificate Authority within Fabric for using Ecerts (long-term identity)
  • Supports clustering for HA characteristics
  • Support LDAP for user authentication
  • Support HSM for security
  • Can be configured as an intermediate CA

Blockchain Council

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