Byzantine Generals Problem

Three Byzantine Generals Problem : Lieutenant Faulty
Round 1 :
→ Commander correctly sends same message to Lieutenants
Round 2 :
→ Lieutenant1 correctly echoes to Lieutenant2
→ Lieutenant2 incorrectly echoes to Lieutenant1

Three Byzantine Generals Problem : Lieutenant Faulty
Round 1 :
→ Commander correctly sends same message to Lieutenants
Round 2 :
→ Lieutenant1 correctly echoes to Lieutenant2
→ Lieutenant2 incorrectly echoes to Lieutenant1
- Lieutenant1 received differing message
- By integrity condition, Lieutenant1 bound to decide on Commander message
- What if Commander is faulty ??
- This contradicts the agreement condition
- No solution possible for three generals including one faulty
- Lieutenant1 decides on majority (Retreat, Attack, Retreat) = Retreat
- Lieutenant2 decides on majority (Attack, Retreat,Retreat)=Retreat
- Lieutenant3 decides on majority (Retreat,Retreat,Attack)=Retreat
Round 1 :
→ Commander sends differing message to Lieutenants
Round 2 :
→ Lieutenant1, Lieutenant2 and Lieutenant3 correctly echo the message to others
Byzantine Generals Model
- N number of process with at most f faulty
- Receiver always knows the identity of the sender
- Fully connected
- Reliable communication medium
- Synchronous system
Lamport-Shostak-Pease Algorithm
- Base Condition :
- N : number of processes
- t : algorithm parameter
- Commander decides on its own value
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